Hi, I’m Aimée Cartier.
I know it looks like Amy, but it’s actually pronounced A-MAY, like the letter A and the month of May. As a friend of mine used to say, “It’s Franch you know!?” (Insert her fake French accent). Anyway, I’m a psychic, an author, an intuition and empath teacher, podcast host, speaker, a mother, and a wife, among other things.
What I do is teach people the practices that will help them hear their own intuition. Because your intuition is the mouth piece of your soul. It’s the language that your deep self, your highest knowing, your benevolent ethereal guides, and benevolent Source itself uses to speak to you and guide you to the path perfect for you.
But the beating heart behind everything I do, and has been so since I started my work in 2007 as a teacher, author, and psychic is this:
1. Each person alive has the capacity to hear and be guided by deep wisdom and inner knowing to the unique path that is perfect for their soul’s journey on this earth right now.
2. Each person alive has and can experience a vibrant connection to Divine Benevolent Source—because you are a part of this Source. It is not something you have to earn, or get by doing certain things—it already belongs to you. You are a part of this Source and so YOU already have the capacity to feel this vital sacred connection.
I consider them birthrights.
Everything I do, from my books, to my podcast, to my readings, to my programs is aimed at you experiencing this yourself.
If you are ready to experience this or could use inspiration and support to do so—then find out more about what I do. Join my Own Your Intuition program. Listen to my podcast. Read my books.
Either way, I encourage you to listen to the call of your own soft knowing. It’s there for you, I promise.
With great love,