It’s an exciting time to be alive. ✨🌙 ☀️💫
A world that requires deep transformation is a world ripe with deep creativity and quantum leap solutions.
Guess what is THE FASTEST WAY for insight and solutions to drop in?
That’s right! Your intuition!
Guess what your intuition is also designed to do…
Lead you very specifically (and practically) to the life that
your soul is here to live!
Guess what a soul on fire and aligned with its own reasons for being
does easily?
Inspire others.
That means you get to take advantage of however much time you’ve got on earth—in big and small ways— and set worry and doubt down and make satisfaction one of your primary emotions. (That’s literally your intuition’s job.). And in your doing so, inspire those around you.
It’s a community membership for those who are ready to harness their superpower (their intuition) to garner divine support and make their lives and this world a better place.
It gives you the education you ought to have had
since birth.
Your internal worry or hopefulness about the state of the world is based on who is currently in charge, and whether they align with your values—or in an election year, who is on the ballot, and whether or not they win.
Your internal peace about the world is created by knowing how to do and doing practices that connect you with your own soul’s wisdom AND give you a seat at the table with the Divine.
<------ MEET RENEE
“I’ve spent a good 5-7 years really diving into work on myself. I’ve learned a ton and experienced a lot of different teachers. I can say with certainty, your program has been the most impactful of all the personal work I’ve done because of the way it was focused on my relationship within myself and my trust in myself. Something that makes your program unique is that the tools are simple, accessible, practical, and really useful long-term. Just this week my intuition led me to an unconventional action that had a positive impact for me at work. It not only saved the company from losing a large amount of money, it also garnered a happy new client! The thing is it’s the tools that you taught me, and the experience I’ve gained as a result of your courses that allow me to deeply trust myself and my intuition. It’s actually helped me in EVERY AREA of my life —from parenting my teenage daughter, to moving through a personal health crisis, to ALL my relationships, and my day-to-day life. I could give you so many examples! I've gained a sense of freedom and personal space that I have not known– and with this a deep and satisfying connection to self. Thank you!”
You have insight. And then you doubt it. Around and around and around on this wheel you go—second and third and kajillion times second-guessing yourself. Then you spend time beating yourself up because you can’t figure out what the best way to move forward is. You are immobilized by your own indecision and the fear that you might not be taking EVERYTHING into account.
You’ve got tools. You know what to do when you are unclear. You also have solid knowledge and experience that shows you how vital trusting your own knowing is to the shape of your life and satisfaction of your soul. You not only no longer doubt your inner wisdom—you don’t fret when you come to a door when you don’t know what is behind it. You know that even in moments of stickiness or cloudiness, you are safe. You know you’ve got what it takes and garner the support and tools to help you through.
MEET MARY ------>
“Even just thinking about this I still get goosebumps. I was at my home in the twin cities when I got a call from my mother who was in Florida telling me she didn’t think she had long to live. Her voice was shaky and sounded weak and I could tell she was upset. She told me she thought she had a matter of days to live. Of course, I started to get freaked out—like legit freak out. I also have a lot of PTST around travel. Instantly it hit me that I was going to have to get on a plane and go to Florida and not only do I have all this anxiety about travel but now I don’t know if my mom is going to be alive when I get there. So there was all this fear and anxiety on top of this fear and sadness. Then, all of the sudden it was like flipping a switch— and I remembered what you had taught us in class. That I needed to settle down and that using the tools you had taught us about how our intuition speaks through our own bodies, I could tell if this was real—if she was going to die before I got there or if I was going to die on the flight there! I calmed my breathing. I really concentrated on my thoughts of “My mom is going to die in the next 3 days.” and “My mom is not going to die in the next three days.” Paying attention, like you taught us, I was able to ascertain that my mom was not going to die before I got there AND that I was going to make it to Florida in time to see her! My sense of relief was enormous! I am still so grateful—it made ALL the difference in this life-altering moment. It helped me do what needed to be done and make it through the plane ride. My mom was 86. She did pass— but just like my intuition had told me— it wasn’t until a few months later and we all had time to spend together and plenty of time to say good-bye.”
You fret about or feel downtrodden about the state of the world and overwhelmed or stymied by just how much you sense needs to be done to fashion healing and wholeness for this planet and its creatures.
You understand your place in the whole. It’s something that comes easily and naturally to you AND brings you great joy. Your taking action and doing this thing provides you a depth of soul satisfaction and peace because not only does doing it just rock your world, but you have ease and peace of mind because you know you are singing your part in the harmony.
<------ MEET JEN
“Learning to trust my intuition was an emotional breakthrough for me. It was hard, sad, and confusing at first. I struggled with believing my inner voice. By the time I sought out Aimée I doubted myself, my ability to make good choices for myself, and my own ideas of what I wanted in the future. With this doubtful lens I looked back on my life and saw a string of mistakes, of chaotic decisions, and path that didn’t lead anywhere or TO anything. But Aimee changed all of this for me pretty on one of our first calls. She told me that my intuition works perfectly! It always has. Because my intuition is linked to how I feel in my body when I’m doing something. That the way I am is just right FOR ME. Only by acting on the impulses and messages I receive will I know for sure whether or not it is the best choice for me at that time. Since then, I’ve used the tools I learned from Aimée to discover my own life’s purpose, which was just under my nose. I’m a seed farmer! I now have a thriving seed farm called, Wild Dreams Farm. I feel good. It feels right. And although I don’t know for sure where this will all lead me to in five or ten or twenty years, I don’t care. I don’t think that way anymore. I just feel and listen and move forward knowing it’s going to be good and right for me for that time. I trust.”
You care, and so you find yourself frequently prioritizing the needs of everyone around you even while you over do and run yourself into the ground. And furthermore, when you do have a moment to or for yourself, you often don’t know quite how to spend it in a way that will deeply nurture and satisfy you.
You understand that your well-being contributes to the whole in a very big way. And it also helps you broaden the sweep of how you are able to contribute. And while you still care for others, you not only you know how to care for yourself, but doing so is in one of your top priority spots. When you have a moment to yourself, or create a moment to yourself, you know what would feel satisfying to—because you’ve taken the time to understand what makes you tick and jump for joy!
“When I first began working with Aimée I felt exhausted, stressed, and confused with life. I felt I needed to help fix people all the time. Aimée provided the support and guidance I needed to understand my true inner voice. I now have the ability to know how I feel, and not feel constantly burdened by the emotions of those around me. Even more, doing the practices that Aimée teaches put my anxiety completely in check. Even my body worker noticed the difference! I am now able to be in the present moment with clarity, energy, and light. I now see my sensitivities as a gift, rather than a burden."
You love this world. You feel a longing to contribute, to be a part of the solution, that you ARE a part of the solution in some way—and yet you don’t understand exactly how that works or where you fit in.
You’re rock solid in the understanding that if you have a calling to help, you are here to help. And furthermore, you are.
She's a marries social justice and yoga. She also speaks for the bees. She's a six time author, retreat leader and a woman you want to know.
You’re not sure if you have all of “your people” in your life. Maybe you are surrounded by complainers! Or people who are ambivalent. This brings you down.
You know your time on earth is precious. You know that who you have around you shapes your life in big ways. It’s a no-brainer for you to support yourself by investing money and time into being an intrinsic part of a positive, inspiring community who not only cares but also prioritizes the wisdom and knowing and mastery of their own soul and who know they are inherently divinely connected.
“When I started your program I was in such a dark space. My reality was filled with doubt, regrets about the past, fear about the future. I had gotten so far away from myself that I didn’t know who I was anymore- I didn’t know what brought me joy, what I was seeking, or where I was going. This course has given me my life back! It has allowed the person I am to re-emerge, to wake back up. Doubt has been replaced with trust, regrets and blame with compassion, and fear with gratitude and excitement about how the future will unfold. This program so far exceeded my expectations. Honestly, I don’t know what I was expecting—but I did not anticipate it being completely life changing. Thank you for creating this membership and taking us all on this journey. I am so incredibly thankful that I said “yes” to this program—I don’t know what life would look like had I said no. It has changed me in so many ways. Also, funnily prior to starting, one of my biggest resistances was talking in class and doing the partner work. Years later, I am still in touch with the women I circled with!”
You want to get to the end of your life with a smile on your face. And yet the things in your life don’t quite feel aligned for that to happen. You’re not sure what, but something’s got to give, or shift or move, or open.
You feel satisfied. You may not have all the answers at every moment—but you know and have experienced many many times how your inner wisdom guides you to what is perfect for you—no matter how out of the box or extraordinary it may seem to others.
<------ MEET MARI
“This class has been more life changing than any other class I have taken! My biggest take home message is that I have everything I need within me to flourish and lead a peaceful, healthy life. I just need to tune in and listen. I now have such a better understanding and appreciation for my own intuition. My life now feels like there is less fear and dread about making big (or small) decisions. I feel more confident that I can handle things that come my way. I feel more prepared with a tool bag of options I can pull on when needed. I also feel I am not alone in my journey and struggles. I feel more peace knowing my guides are there for me and I know how to ask for help when I need it. I no longer feel like I need someone else, an expert, or book to tell me what to do.”
I get it, you weren’t taught how important your intuition is.
You were taught that it was “extra” or “superfluous” or maybe even “unreliable” or something to tamp down or shut off.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
In fact, now even science says we're hard wired to intuitive knowing. And that if you're not using your intuition and mystic knowing, you are using half a brain!
Your intuition is literally your finely dialed internal compass and road map to the goals of your soul.
Does that sound like something you want to listen to!?
I was standing in the parking lot of my office building when a friend of mine introduced me to Thad who also occasionally worked in our building. I was in my late twenties at the time—and single—open to love, as all (or most) single twenty-year-old women are! Still wondering when or if I would find a true partner—hoping but not knowing if there was someone out there for me. Of course, I immediately noticed that Thad was a handsome guy! I could tell that he liked me too. After that initial meeting, we would occasionally bump into each other in the parking lot coming or going from our office building.
The problem was, every time I thought of him or bumped into him, I couldn’t get over the feeling that I shouldn’t date him. I had this sort of “caution do not move forward” feeling in my body. Like, “handsome, but not for you.” Still my inner knowing continued to be vocal. I kept seeing a 10-foot pole in my mind. I understood its message very clearly, “That’s how far I should keep this man away from me”—meaning —definitely out of dating range.
It was so confusing because there was chemistry between us. I found him handsome. He seemed really interesting. We were in the same line of work (I was an environmentalist at the time, and so was he) and so I knew we shared similar values.
I didn’t feel that he was dangerous (and he wasn’t). So I couldn’t figure out why my intuition was telling me, that the connection wasn’t one to pursue.
I didn’t trust my intuition because I felt like I needed "a reason" to heed its caution.
I did secret polls of my friends and colleagues fishing for information on Thad that would give me a reason not to date him. No one had anything terrible to say about him. I had kind of hoped they would—only because it would’ve given me the proof I felt I needed— that my intuition was giving me good advice! But those extra inquiries came up short.
So when he asked me out, I said yes. I couldn’t find a reason, other than my own inner knowing not to. Since the voice of my intuition was loud, but not forthcoming with reasons, in the end I simply overrode it.
It’s like a movie you watch where you’re like, “Don’t do it!” to the lead character—only the lead character can’t see the reasons why not to. That was my problem, I thought I needed a logical reason not to date him. I didn't trust my inner knowing.
Cut to a year and a half later when while I was out of town caring for my dying grandfather, Thad was unfaithful to me.
As you can imagine the discovery of this was devastating, (and I was standing on our porch with my mother when I found out!) but one of my very first thoughts was, “I could have avoided this!” I knew my intuition had been clearly guiding me away from dating him and yet, I ignored it.
That was the last time I ignored my inner knowing. That was when I discovered that if my intuition is guiding me in a certain direction, that's all the information I need.
That was in the early 2000’s. And I’ve been trusting and paying attention to my intuition ever since. It’s that paying attention that has allowed me to develop techniques to stay connected to it and clearly hear its messages in any situation.
Since 2010, I’ve been helping others avoid their own treacherous mistakes (but more importantly garner the goodness and satisfaction of trusting their inner knowing) by showing them how easy and how reliable and how important listening to your inner knowing is.
In this year long membership I teach ALL the tools I use to keep my intuition sharp and to hear it's wise council.
That’s how I discovered that my internal knowing was the only reason I needed. And that the whole point of my intuition was to lead me AWAY from the treacherous roads and onto the good ones!
Furthermore, if it is important to you to add positively to this world—it’s your intuition that is going to show you what is your piece to add.
You have the key—it’s already inside of you.
So, you could read a bunch of books and try to piece together a plan and continue to go it alone on your own…
And certainly, you could continue to wallow in self-doubt, debating all your important decisions until you’re deflated of insight and dizzy with confusion. You could continue to lay in bed at night a hamster on the worry wheel, feeling helpless because you can’t singlehandedly shift big things. And you certainly can continue to dismiss your own insight, joy and genius. (But I don’t recommend this!)
Or you can join our Soulutionary Community and together, learn a whole stack of tools at an easeful pace that will help master your connection to and trust in your own soul's guidance and wisdom.
You are going to learn:
And, along the way you are going to
I get it, these days we are drowning in bad news, and we are often bogged down by thinking about how big the challenges are. We think if we can’t help the big things—if we can’t singlehandedly sway the outcome of an election, or help all the people suffering all over the world or even just find the best solutions for our own selves and family—then we get stymied and don’t do anything or just wonder on repeat how or if we could help. But that’s not actually the way it works. If this world is important to you—if making it a better place is important to you—then you’ve got something to give.
Here is what no one is talking about… a world on fire is a world ripe for solutions.
There are gorgeous stories to uncover and live. You’ve got one too!
And that is part of what we do in Soulutionaries. We not only get in touch with our innate superpower (our intuition) and use it to better our own lives, ease pain, find clarity in the moment, discover our best path, hang up our worry cap. We also find our own gorgeous stories and discover how we are here to contribute. Like Jen, the seed farmer did. Or author and social justice yogi Michelle does.
Your place in the whole, your long game contribution involves a line of deep joy. It involves activities that sing and dance and intrigue you—ones that gift you both energy and comfort in the doing.
So what are you waiting for?
Let’s find that together.
That’s what Soulutionaries are for.
Someday we are all going to die.
I am motivated by the knowing that someday I’m going to leave this earth and that I know neither when nor how long I’ve got, but I do know it’s going to be fleeting. So what am I waiting for!? Why not understand, do, and experience NOW what my soul came here for!?
If it is important to you to add positively to this world— I get it! I’ve had a whole adult lifetime of service. From working on recycling campaigns to protecting roadless areas, to raising money stateside to give worldwide to grassroots groups working to protect clean air, water, and land— just to name a few of my jobs! From the time I graduated from college most of my jobs have been service jobs, including what I've been doing since 2007—lead others to understand and access the wisdom that is INSIDE OF THEM!
A changemaker is someone who cares about this world and humans and other creatures on it. They feel a desire to help make this world a better place.
A soulutionary is a changemaker who is ready to use their superpower (their inner knowing) in order to make their life and this world a better place. Also, they don’t want to continue to try to go it alone. They know the world needs all of us and they are ready to be with and inspired by other soulutionaries as they make their own journey.
Are you ready to be a Soulutionary?
For years I had been suffering from chronic pain. I had tried EVERYTHING and nothing relieved it. It got to the point that it was crippling, I couldn't even walk without experienceing With the tools I learned from you I was able to identify that it wasn't one thing that was causing my debiliateing pain in my stomach, it was two. Tuning into my higher knowing I was able to identify that I actually needed to stop eating both dairy. It's been years now and I've been pain free every since!
- Jen G.
On Thursday, you told me the voice of my intuition would be soft and subtle. The following Tuesday I was getting in my car to go to a hair appointment for which I was already late. When I was driving down the road I heard the car make an occasional funny sound. Still, I realized as I heard it again that I didn’t have a good feeling about it. I remembered what you said— “Your intuition speaks to you in a calm or neutral voice, even when what it is telling you is important or steering you away from danger.” What I felt was a very calm knowing of, ‘This isn’t good. It’s time to turn around and switch cars. It will be fine.’ Ordinarily I would have overrode it. It wasn’t frantic or scaring me— it wasn’t saying— ‘Watch out! Something terrible is going to happen!’ But because of what you said I listened. It saved my life! We discovered that one of the car wheels had been partially loosened. It was only a matter of time before it fell off. I had been just about to get on the freeway!
“After doing your program life feels so much richer and… safe. That’s not exactly the right word. Yes, maybe it is. I understand the altar within me in a way that has steadied me, given me trust that the path is unfolding perfectly, that I am capable of stewarding myself and my life and my family and my work in ways that call for the the highest good. Tears come to my eyes.”
- Jen G-B
You will finish by not only knowing these techniques but by having had your own experiences that show you how they work, what they are good for, and how they can be used to continuously guide your life in the direction that is right for you.
You won't be rushed! You'll have plenty of time to practice, integrate, and get support as you go.
There are 12 lessons (not including the ample bonus material).
These lessons are available via audio (in our private podcast) and via downloadable documents.
Study guides and homework mastery suggestions are included.
You’ll get regular reminders via beautiful imagery through our Mighty Networks chat portal.
For a whole year, we'll also meet on new and full moons.
We’ll have “Office Hours” at 11AM PST to discuss the lessons, and your experience using them. I'll answer questions and we'll hear from each other's life experiences.
At each gathering we’ll focus on discussing a specific lesson with practices that will enable you to establish a strong relationship with your own highest knowing and benevolent ethereal support. You'll have a study guide and homework to practice at your leisure during the month, so you'll learn through your own experience. You’ll also have the opportunity to partner with a “study buddy” for those who want to go even deeper in mastering these practices and bringing them to the fore of your life. By practicing the tools and gathering with your fellow students — to articulate the changes you are noticing, ask questions, share and listen to the experiences of others — you lock in your understanding even deeper.
These are tools that will last you a lifetime—giving you access for the duration of your life to your own inner wisdom, your soul’s compass, and the ethereal support always available to you.
AND each New Moon we will gather together in the evening for our New Moon Deep Dive. This is a guided two-hour time for practicing our tools, and for hearing the wisdom of your own soul. We start at 5:15PM to 7:30PM, PST. (This is in addition to our New Moon Office Hours.)
All of our gatherings are recorded and available for replay should you have to miss it.
The lesson content is yours for life. We'll make our way through it twice, in 6 month increments so you'll have plenty of time to integrate, deepen, and strengthen your skills. By the time your year is up, these skills will be second nature.
You will literally be mastering tools you can use 30 years down the road. Tools that will give you lifetime access confidence, and relationship to your own inner knowing and soul's guidance for the rest of your life. I still hear from students regularly who studied with me nearly a decade ago about how life changing these tools are and how they still use them EVERY DAY!
What is worth to you to have a whole basket of tools that will help you:
What is it worth to you to instead of sitting around at home alone and feeling helpless—to be a part of a community of other Soulutionaries who are also learning to lean into their intuition to make their positive mark on their life and this world?
Soulutionaries who are putting down the hamster wheel of worry and powerlessness and instead taking up the mantle of “I have tools. I am not alone. I don’t need to go it alone. I am centered. I am at peace. I am powerful. I am happy. I’m connected. I feel satisfied. I am a part of a thriving community. And actually, because of all of this I’m also a better parent, colleague, business owner, wife, sister, friend…”
Would a whole year of salary be worth the tools to access your own soul’s map?
To have the practice and the community to help you follow your own soul’s knowing.
Worth it? Yes.
Necessary? No.
Because fortunately, that’s not your investment! It's actually less than even a college education but in my opinion way more important and useful long-term!
And you’ve got options.
Best Value
Private In Person Time
Personalized + In Person Time
If this seems like too much to invest in yourself…
Let me ask you—do you want to get to the end of your life with a smile on your face knowing that you listened to the information that was most vital for you, sang the song only you can sing, and without a doubt offered your best to yourself, this world, and those around you?
Because owning your intuition isn’t just for you, you know!
Remember Jen who healed her chronic pain? I have more than one student who used what she learned to help herself through successful cancer diagnosis and treatment. After using the tools I teach one of my student's co-workers (at her high stress nursing job) started asking her what she was doing to stay so calm and centered. Remember Natalie whose life was saved by her intuition? I bet her kids and husband were glad!
Who else in your life will benefit from a you who knows that whatever life throws at her they’ve got tools to get through. That they have the ultimate guide for information inside their own bones and they know how to use it. Who else will benefit from you getting to the end of your life and knowing that you gave it your all?
I've had students who used the tools I taught them to:
SO, YOU COULD continue to ignore the callings of your soul. You could continue to pretend that your intuition isn’t important or vital for getting you information you couldn’t get otherwise. You could continue to ignore its wise council. You might have already been doing this for years—missing the messages that are important to and for you.
OR YOU COULD learn the practices that will help you attune to it, understand it’s importance, and have your experience easily show you how vital it is for guiding you specifically to what your soul came to experience.
You could use your intuition to find the place where you can help ameliorate this gorgeous world.
(This is also the topic of my book, Getting Answers: Using Your Intuition to Discover Your Best Life)
For the Mamas who want their kids to know from the get-go how important their intuition is
Rituals and ceremony are as old as time and a source of healing and comfort and manifestation for humans. In this guide you’ll learn how simple it is to create your own.
Okay, let's be real– this isn't a deal-maker. But it is a fantastically fun perk!
I hate buyer's remorse as much as you do. And I put a lot into my programs. I am committed to serving others so that they can access their own innate knowing. I only take those who are really committed to amplifying their own inner knowing, understand the ginormous benefits of doing so, and who can comfortably commit financially to my program. I endeavor to create programs that are a win win for all. :)
I ask that you trust your own gut. If you feel like this is your program, we see that it can serve you, and you are excited to work with me that's wonderful– let's go!
To help you make that decision with peace of mind,these guarantees:
1. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
You are free to cancel during the first 30 days if for any reason you don't feel the program is the right fit for you. I'll give you your money back and wish you well.
2. Conditional 6 Month Guarantee
If you study with me for 6 months, AND YOU’VE BEEN DOING THE WORK, using the tools and for some reason you’re like “I’m getting nothing out of this”, I’ll also give you your money back. In this case though, you’ll actually have to show proof of your work. You’ll have to have actually been showing up at most of our gatherings and adding your voice to the mix. You have to have been practicing your tools (and you’ll have to turn in homework on the modules to show that you’ve been using the tools and doing the work). If you’ve put in the work and are mastering the tools and you for some reason don’t think it’s amazeballs. Then, I’ll give you your money back.
I’ve been teaching this content for just short of a decade. I’ve seen how it transforms people’s lives. You’ve seen just a tiny fraction of that on this webpage. I know these tools give you access to your own wisdom and help you understand many ways of garnering divine support.
In all my years of teaching this, I have not ever had a student who was underwhelmed with what the program offered her. I most often hear, “I don’t know what I was expecting but this was much more thorough, practical, comprehensive and useful than anything I would have thought.” I still get emails from students who studied in my first cohort 9 years ago telling me they still use these tools daily. I feel solid that if you do this work, if you practice these simple tools, that when you learn to turn toward them instead of be mired in doubt or confusion—it will change your life for the better. You’ll feel better. You’ll trust yourself. You’ll feel safe and empowered and confident. You’ll be easily on your soul’s path. You’ll know you’ve got your back/ you’re inner knowing does.
I can't wait to get started with you!
Still got questions?
Send us a message on our contact page and we'll get back to you!