Get practices for tuning into your own Highest Knowing with confidence
and garnering the Divine Support always available to you
It sucks to doubt yourself.
It sucks to feel like you are not sure which way to go or are uncertain of how to make clear decisions that you feel will serve you and yours.
On top of that the world has been telling you for years to ignore your intuition, and that your intellect is the most vital tool.
And yet you sense that this knowing you've got inside is a miraculous secret source of power and provider of beneficial direction, insights, and short cuts— if only you knew how to use it.
Well, you're in the right place.
If you want tools for a more potent connection with your inner knowing, the confidence to truly listen to it, act upon it and to garner the life satisfying results— then, welcome.
"You spoke to my women’s group on a Thursday. The following Tuesday I was leaving my house for a hair appointment. I was already late and a bit frantic with it. As I grabbed my keys and purse heading out the door I kept thinking, “I’ve got to go! I’ve got to go!”
I got in my car and as I was driving down the road I heard the car make a funny sound. It wasn’t an alarming noise—more like a rhythmic squeak every once in a while.
Still, I realized as I heard it again that I didn’t have a good feeling about it. The knowing came just like you said it would—calm and peaceful. It wasn’t frantic or scaring me— it wasn’t saying— ‘Watch out! Something terrible is going to happen!’ What I felt was a very calm knowing of, ‘This isn’t good. It’s time to turn around and switch cars. It will be fine.’ Ordinarily I wouldn’t have followed this advice. I would have just overrode it.
Especially because the last time I saw my hair stylist she was telling me about someone who was always late, and how she didn’t feel they respected her time. I didn’t want to be that person! But I remembered what you said—“Your intuition speaks to you in a calm or neutral voice, even when what it is telling you is important or steering you away from danger.” I knew I was experiencing that calm knowing and because of what you said I listened.
I turned around, drove home, and switched cars. Later that day my husband took the car out to see what was wrong. Apparently someone had tried to steal one of my tires—only they had abandoned the job. The wheel was almost entirely unscrewed. I had been just about to get on the freeway! I could have died! Or I could have harmed someone else in an accident. Or at a minimum I would have been on the side of the road and completely missed my appointment. As it was I arrived at my hair stylist’, healthy and sound, just as her previous client was leaving—she didn’t even notice!”
I know words have been invented (like “woo-woo”) to make you think that your intuition is not important. For most of your life, you’ve probably gotten, through osmosis, the idea that “logic” and “reason” should eclipse all.
It’s no surprise, since our innate human capacity for intuition and mystic knowing is completely left out of our K-12 education. But according to scientist Dr. Lisa Miller, not only is intuitive and mystic knowing innate to humans, “if you are not using your intuition you’re using only half a brain.”
Are you tired of constantly doubting yourself and/or holding yourself back from listening to your inner knowing?
Are you tired of hesitating and not trusting the capacities that by their very nature are designed to bring you the insight and clarity you need to live your best life?
Are you tired of not knowing exactly how to access your own wise highest knowing or whether or not you can identify and/or trust its voice?
"For years I had pain in my upper right quadrant of my stomach. Unrelenting all times of night. When I was walking I had to hold my side because the acting of jostling was made it worse. I couldn’t even exercise. Anytime I tried to exercise it got really bad.
I had tried so many diets and pills and nothing worked, even elimination diets.
I’m a worrier— and especially after so many years of chronic and ongoing symptoms— I started wondering, “Do I have cancer!? Am I going to die?”
Enter the tools you taught me. First by using your Four Core tools (clearing, energetic boundaries, grounding, and connecting to your Highest Self) that’s when I started to have the quietness to hear what my guides were saying. I learned to sit with myself and really trust myself. With your guidance and advice, I was able to get to that place where I knew I was hearing (and trusting) my Highest Self and my guides. It gave me that assurance I needed.
Then, in the way that you taught in class [and the Getting Answers book] I started to ask questions. Once you helped me understand that the guidance was going to be subtle—that my guides weren’t going to leave posters on my bathroom mirror at night :) for example— I was able to connect with those communications! I used to worry about my answers too—like what if I get a scary answer!? But your process taught me not to fear that.
It was in doing the practices that I was able to get calm enough and trust myself enough to begin to hear the guidance I was being given—and understand how my body was showing me what to do too.
I noticed that I was being pulled to two different diets: Vegan and Paleo. It was like this ah-ha moment that it was more than one food that was causing me problems! I did some research and learned that it’s actually a thing. It’s called Pegan. I felt the signs from my body that I had learned to recognize by now, when I landed on that idea—that skip in my heart and moment of excitement. I needed to eliminate more than one thing—it’s why one or the other of them had never worked. By just eliminating grains and dairy products I almost immediately felt relief. Now, I’m more than two years from that moment and more than two years completely pain free! It was a miracle. Now, I can even eat these things occasionally, because it’s an accumulation in my system that causes the problems.
Working with you, practicing the tools that you taught me helped me solve a problem I had been having for years and actually get rid of my chronic pain! I am beyond grateful—it’s made a difference in my life every day! And I trust myself now—to be able to get the guidance I need when I need it. Thank you!"
I was standing in the parking lot of my office building when a friend of mine introduced me to Thad who also occasionally worked in our building. I was in my late twenties at the time—and single—open to love, as all (or most) single twenty-year-old women are! Still wondering when or if I would find a true partner—hoping but not knowing if there was someone out there for me. Of course, I immediately noticed that Thad was a handsome guy! I could tell that he liked me too. After that initial meeting, we would occasionally bump into each other in the parking lot coming or going from our office building.
My interest was piqued. I knew that he was also single. The problem was every time I thought of him or bumped into him, I couldn’t get over the feeling that I shouldn’t date him. I had this sort of “caution do not move forward” feeling in my body. Like, “handsome, but not for you.”
It was so confusing because there was chemistry between Thad and I. I found him handsome. He seemed really interesting. We were in the same line of work and so I knew we shared similar values.
I didn’t feel that he was dangerous (and he wasn’t). So I couldn’t figure out why my intuition was telling me, that the connection wasn’t one to pursue.
I didn’t trust my intuition because I felt like I needed "a reason" to heed its caution.
I did secret polls of my friends and colleagues fishing for information on Thad that would give me a reason not to date him. No one had anything terrible to say about him. I had kind of hoped they would—only because it would’ve given me the proof I felt I needed— that my intuition was giving me good advice! But those extra inquiries came up short.
So when he asked me out, I said yes. I couldn’t find a reason, other than my own inner knowing not to.
We had fun together. The chemistry was there.
Still my inner knowing continued to be vocal. I kept seeing a 10-foot pole in my mind. I understood its message very clearly, “That’s how far I should keep this man away from me”—meaning —definitely out of dating range.
It’s like a movie you watch where you’re like, “Don’t do it!” to the lead character—only the lead character can’t see the reasons why not to. That was my problem, I couldn’t find a logical reason not to date him.
Since the voice of my intuition was loud, but not forthcoming with reasons, in the end I simply overrode it.
Cut to a year and a half later when while I was out of town caring for my dying grandfather, Thad was unfaithful to me.
As you can imagine the discovery of this was devastating, but one of my very first thoughts was, “I could have avoided this!” I knew my intuition had been clearly guiding me away from dating him and yet, because I couldn’t use logic and reason to come to that same conclusion, I ignored it.
That was the last time I ignored my inner knowing. That was when I discovered that if my intuition is guiding me in a certain direction, that's all the information I need.
That was in the early 2000’s. And I’ve been trusting and paying attention to my intuition ever since. It’s that paying attention that has allowed me to develop techniques to stay connected to it and clearly hear its messages in any situation.
Since 2010, I’ve been helping others avoid their own treacherous mistakes (but more importantly garner the goodness and satisfaction of trusting their inner knowing) by showing them how easy and how reliable and how important listening to your inner knowing is.
In this program I teach ALL the tools I use to keep my intuition sharp and to hear it's wise council.
You don’t need special crystals, or oils, or a gadget of any kind. To OWN YOUR INTUITION you need a dozen or so practices that help you manage, hone and tune in to your wisest knowing on a regular and reliable basis in any situation.
You've got a superb navigation system already inside of you, even if you feel it's currently rusty, or you're not sure exactly how to access it when you want to, and even if the world has implied otherwise.
I’ll teach you everything you need to know to harness, use, and ultimately trust (through your own experience) your own inner knowing. Your intuition gives you the information you need that couldn’t be garnered by intellect or reason alone. It leads you to short cuts, open roads, practical solutions, and opportunities to flourish.
By learning and practicing the more than a dozen tools I teach, by getting feedback and support as you do, you'll lock in this knowledge, forever. More than that you’ll have a road map for using and trusting your own highest wisdom for as long as you breathe. You'll use these tools to move through your life, decade, after decade, as you evolve and situations, needs, desires, and inspirations shift and change.
You want to know how to work this compass! It’s the sense that you have that leads you away from mistakes and toward the life and experience your soul intends. Whether you just dream of having clarity and confidence in the choices that will make your life better for you and yours right now, or you know you are here to help the world navigate this pivotal time in some way and you want to better understand your role or contribute positively...
Intuition is the ace in your pocket… only guess what—it’s INSIDE of you.
"This class helped me trust myself! It’s what I’ve been lacking my entire life. It’s been a huge transformation for me. I set out to have a greater understanding of my intuitive abilities, and I do, but the trusting myself is the REALLY BIG thing that happened by taking this course.
My work with you showed me that I don't have to hide my intuitive abilities, something I had done most of my life, but that I can trust them. And then continuing on with you and other alumni as we explore our Ancient Selves through our New and Full Moon Gatherings, I feel renewal and appreciation for those abilities and the importance of honoring them and their influence on my accomplishing my purpose(s) in my lifetime.
Blessing to you for guiding me!"
– Georgia B.
“This class has been more life changing than any other class I have taken! My biggest take home message is that I have everything I need within me to flourish and lead a peaceful, healthy life. I just need to tune in and listen. I now have such a better understanding and appreciation for my own intuition. My life now feels like there is less fear and dread about making big (or small) decisions. I feel more confident that I can handle things that come my way. I feel more prepared with a tool bag of options I can pull on when needed. I also feel I am not alone in my journey and struggles. I feel more peace knowing my guides are there for me and I know how to ask for help when I need it. I no longer feel like I need someone else, an expert, or book to tell me what to do.”
– Mari M.
"I feel like I’ve been re-given access to something ancient and human– something that we have forgotten. This class gave me the use of tools I didn’t know I had. I learned that I really can and should trust myself and my intuition. It’s like learning really old stuff—how to be a more complete human, tapping into those skills we were born with."
– Beth T.
You will finish by not only knowing these techniques but by having had your own experiences that show you how they work, what they are good for, and how they can be used to continuously guide your life in the direction that is right for you.
You won't be rushed! You'll have plenty of time to practice, integrate, and get support as you go.
Each moon cycle we will focus on a specific lesson with practices that will enable you to establish a strong relationship with your own highest knowing. You'll have homework to practice at your leisure during the month, so you'll learn through your own experience! By practicing the tools and gathering with your fellow students — to articulate the changes you are noticing, ask questions, and listen to the experiences of others — you lock in your understanding even deeper.
You'll jump into the lesson rotation whenever you join and stay for 13 moons!
In addition to the course materials (which include the month's lesson in both a document and audio format.)...
Each New Moon we will gather for our New Moon Deep Dive. This is a guided time (for current students and program alumni) for practicing your tools, and for hearing the wisdom of your own soul. We gather for two hours every evening of the new moon, starting at 5:15PM to 7:30PM, Pacific Standard Time.
On the full moon, current students will meet for Zoom "Office Hours" from 11AM-12PM PST. During this you'll get to ask your questions and share your own stories of how the tools are working for you.
Each full moon you may also meet for our Share/Gather/Ask Full Moon time mid-day meet up. This is from 12-2PM PST on the full moon and is for current students and alumni alike. This is a more casual get together where with a few prompts from Aimée the conversation flows about how our intuition has guided us this moon cycle and Aimée answers any questions you have.
With regular practice, support, and attention on your intuitive tools over this spacious 13 moon (1 year) journey together, there is enough time for you to practice, gain experience, and make these tools second nature for you—that way they will be at your beck and call as long as you breathe.
Honestly, the value of this program is priceless. You will literally be mastering tools you can use 30 years down the road. Tools that will give you lifetime access confidence, and relationship to your own inner knowing and soul's guidance for the rest of your life. I still hear from students regularly who studied with me nearly a decade ago about how life changing these tools are and how they still use them EVERY DAY!
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