A course for those who are tired of constantly second guessing themselves and are ready to harness the goodness and power of their intuitive knowing.
If understanding and listening to your intuition seems like a no-brainer to you and
—you just need a little help being able to discern it from the fear-based ideas
—or you have trouble knowing for certain IF it IS your intuition speaking…. Then you are in the right place.
I’m known for putting mysterious concepts into language that we can all understand. I hear that all the time from my clients, students, and Own Your Intuition Show Podcast listeners.
In this course, you’re going to get a definitive guide to discerning the voice of your intuition and setting aside the stumbling blocks and doubts that hold you back from using your intuitive birthright. (Eh hum, your intuition the sense that you have specifically designed to lead you to your soul’s satisfaction. You want to listen to it!)
As you uncover the gems in this course you’ll quickly begin to realize:
“I have what it takes to get the goodness my intuition is always leading me toward. I was just killing myself and constantly tripping myself up by doubting myself. I don’t have to do that anymore! I can put down my never-ending pros and cons lists. I can sleep peacefully at night because I can shut off the tired-mind-record in which I go over and over and over again all the details trying to distinguish my best course. And instead I can walk confidently toward the goodness of what my intuition is guiding me toward and get the satisfaction that ensues because I now know how to recognize it once and for all.”
"You spoke to my women’s group on a Thursday. The following Tuesday I was leaving my house for a hair appointment. I was already late and a bit frantic with it. As I grabbed my keys and purse heading out the door I kept thinking, “I’ve got to go! I’ve got to go!”
I got in my car and as I was driving down the road I heard the car make a funny sound. It wasn’t an alarming noise—more like a rhythmic squeak every once in a while.
Still, I realized as I heard it again that I didn’t have a good feeling about it. The knowing came just like you said it would—calm and peaceful. It wasn’t frantic or scaring me— it wasn’t saying— ‘Watch out! Something terrible is going to happen!’ What I felt was a very calm knowing of, ‘This isn’t good. It’s time to turn around and switch cars. It will be fine.’ Ordinarily I wouldn’t have followed this advice. I would have just overrode it.
Especially because the last time I saw my hair stylist she was telling me about someone who was always late, and how she didn’t feel they respected her time. I didn’t want to be that person! But I remembered what you said—“Your intuition speaks to you in a calm or neutral voice, even when what it is telling you is important or steering you away from danger.” I knew I was experiencing that calm knowing and because of what you said I listened.
I turned around, drove home, and switched cars. Later that day my husband took the car out to see what was wrong. Apparently someone had tried to steal one of my tires—only they had abandoned the job. The wheel was almost entirely unscrewed. I had been just about to get on the freeway! I could have died! Or I could have harmed someone else in an accident. Or at a minimum I would have been on the side of the road and completely missed my appointment. As it was I arrived at my hair stylist’, healthy and sound, just as her previous client was leaving—she didn’t even notice!”
Here’s the thing: Your intuition is finely dialed to you.
I’ve had students who used theirs to find the perfect home, to get the perfect job, to get raises, to turn down offers that looked good on paper but weren’t that great in real life, and to help their children through struggles— and those are just a few examples! I have students who have discovered their life's purpose and started successful businesses using the insight from their intuition. Your intuition is actually very practical! No challenge, dream, or situation is to big or to small. Your inner knowing is there to guide you your whole life long.
You want to know your intuition.
Because it’s good advice. THE BEST advice actually. Your intuition is the sense that you have that can give you information at lightning speed. It can help you get gracefully out of a predicament, into a better situation, or help you move toward your dreams. Its actually designed to guide your soul to the life it came here to live— listening to it ameliorates your life it guides you to the most soul satisfying life. That's its job.
If you’ve ever ignored your intuition and then kicked yourself later you can relate to my story. That's how I learned how important my intuition is too!
I was in my 20’s when I got it — once and for all — that my intuition was not to be ignored!
Here’s what happened: I ignored my strong intuition that said “Don’t do it!” and dated this guy— because other than my intuition I couldn’t find “a reason” not to. I didn’t feel that he was dangerous (and he wasn’t). So I couldn’t figure out why my intuition was telling me, that the connection wasn’t one to pursue. (In fact it kept giving me the image of a 10 foot pole!) I couldn't figure it out— there was chemistry between me and this guy. We were both single. We had similar values. (We both worked as environmentalists.) Other people thought he was a pretty good guy...
Let me cut to the chase: A year and a half into our relationship he was unfaithful to me while I was back in Minnesota helping to care for my dying grandfather.
You know what one of my first thoughts was when I found out?
I could have avoided this! This was an experience my intuition was trying to save me from… but I ignored it.
Because I didn’t know then that my intuition was my soul’s compass.
I didn’t know that having my intuition tell me something was more important than any logical reason I could ascertain. (That's one of intuition's jobs: to give you information you couldn't get any other way!) And I didn't know that sometimes you can’t find a reason, nevertheless your intuition is trying to help you avoid the roads that are most treacherous.
I didn’t know then that my intuition was the mouthpiece of my soul.
Well I do now.
That was the last time I ignored my inner knowing. I want the extra guidance leading me toward my soul's satisfaction! Do you?
Then, let's get you walking easily and gracefully toward it.
I realized I could let go of my fear...
"I realized that my fear-based "intuitions" were ancient dinosaurs running around in my thinking! Now that I can differentiate between them and my wise inner knowing I was able to put them to rest. I imagined these dinosaurs creating a divot in the ground as they walked around and around. Knowing them for what they are helped me let them go!"
- Jen G.
Before studying with you I lacked the confidence...
"Prior to learning the difference it was challenging for me to differentiate between a solid intuitive response or a fear-based message. The fear-based messages were often times not true and this caused me to distrust my intuition and become confused by my abilities."
- Mary
Knowing this saved me time!
"This was such a helpful piece in the puzzle. I noticed that being able to differentiate between fear-based thoughts and my intuition actually saved me time. Because I can now recognize the tone of my intuition, I just go with it— I don’t have to waste time wondering. Also sometimes my insights actually save me time! While visiting New York, I was about to step onto this subway when in an instant I knew it was going the wrong way. It would have taken us 30 minutes in the wrong direction! I recognized the signs of my inner wisdom, acted on it, and saved us so much time and confusion! That’s just one example!"
- Emily
I’m throwing in a bonus.
It's a guide to the easiest decision-making tool I know—one that in less than 30 seconds can guide you to your best path— the choice that is in line with your own Highest Good.
I promise it doesn’t require any props. Once you know it, you can do it anytime, anywhere with nothing but your own breath.
It's so easy I taught it to my kids while standing in a grocery store.
Sometimes you just need someone to talk you through or a mediation that will remind you of how great and capable you are, how sacred and precious — no matter what is going on in your life.
This bonus meditation is sure to uplift, raise your vibe, give you the freedom of accepting wherever you are right now, and remind you of your own power.
I'll admit, I have an ulterior motive.
I love this world. I’m committed to its betterment.
I think the world is a better place when you are happy and satisfied.
I also think intuition is the sharpest sense and the fastest way to help us solve the challenges of our current world. It moves at lightning speed, no lengthy degree required. You can get solutions while standing in the shower or taking a walk: intuition provides.
Intuition is for everybody.
So to me—the more people that listen to theirs, the better.
More trust in self. More good ideas. Better world.
With that in mind, as an experiment, FOR A LIMITED TIME,
I am offering a sliding scale for this course.
You choose the price point based on your income level.
Pick my own price
(greater than $49)
I hate buyer's remorse as much as you do. And I put a lot into my programs. I am committed to serving others so that they can access their own innate knowing. I endeavor to create programs that are a win win for all. :)
I ask that you trust your own gut. If you feel like this is your program, that's wonderful– let's go!
To help you make that decision with peace of mind, I offer this guarantee:
Five Day Money Back Guarantee
Open the program. Look around. You are free to cancel during the first 5 days if for any reason you don't feel the program is the right fit for you. I'll give you your money back and wish you well.