Psychic guide, Aimée Cartier, shows you a simple formula you can use to receive guidance and answers that align with your Highest Good.

What if you could ask and receive the answers to the burning questions of your life?  What if the formula for getting answers to any question you wanted to ask was so simple anyone could do it anytime, anywhere.  It is according to seer Aimée Cartier.  In this workshop, Aimée shares the simple formula with you. Through example and personal stories she’ll show you how to start recognizing the signs and messages that Spirit is already providing and how following this guidance can lead you to a happier and more joyful life. ​



Intuition University founder and psychic guide, Aimée Cartier discuses the vital role our intuition can and does play in our lives if only we let it.

Do you sense that your intuition could be a vital ally if you could just trust it more often? Or maybe you wonder how to tell the difference between intuitive knowing and fear-based knowing?  Join Intuition University founder and psychic, Aimée Cartier for an evening where we will explore what intuition is, what holds us back from trusting it, and why it is so vital to our flourishing. You’ll leave inspired by real life examples of what it means to follow the lead of your intuition to the life your soul craves.



Empath Intuition University founder Aimée Cartier discusses the gifts and challenges of empathic ability and provides tools for decreasing overwhelm and living happily with this trait. 

When you are empathic you feel other people’s emotions inside your own skin.  Talk about confusing! Instead of constantly being overwhelmed by their empathic perceptions participants will learn the key practices that will allow them to be in control of their abilities and work with (not against) their sensitivities.  Aimée will explain the basics of understanding your abilities – including how to clear your own energy and create natural boundaries so you aren’t constantly downloading other people’s business.  She also discusses what she sees as the highest purpose of this gift.  



 Join Empath Intuition University founder, Aimée Cartier, for a full day workshop where you will learn the following skills:

* How to clear your own energy

* How to create natural boundaries so that you don't have to download everyone else's emotions

* How to tell the difference between what is yours and what you are picking up from outside of yourself

*The most important rule to know when you are naturally porous

*Extra practices especially helpful for empaths 

*The Highest Service of the empathic nature​ 

*And, you will come up with your own plan of action (using the tools you have learned) to implement during moments that are typically challenging for you! 



Need a reason to trust your intuition? In this talk Aimée gives 4 + reasons you'll be happy you did.

She also covers what intuition is and why you want to trust it. She'll reveal some of its basic characteristics and talk about what makes it so confusing sometimes.  You'll get tips on how to use your intuition to get the specific answers you crave.  And Aimée will divulge one surprising action you can do for yourself that you probably didn't know was linked with receiving good intuitive guidance.



It is so common for fear to be a paralyzing factor in a person's life.  It prevents people from making good decisions all of the time. 

In this talk, Aimée addresses this often misunderstood natural human condition.  She teaches you how to understand it for what it truly is, a natural alert system, and how to tell the difference between the "good fear" that warns you of something dangerous, and the other fear, that prevents you from doing things that are actually in your best interest.

Shift your fear from a formidable foe to an ally by understanding it.  In this mini-workshop, Aimée will reveal common misconceptions concerning fear and give valuable tools, tips, and tricks for moving through it so that the next time you experience it, you're in charge.


Praise for Aimée

  • "Aimée brought her wisdom, grace, and humor to Genesis Global Spiritual Center and captivated the audience with intuition tools that will benefit our individual lives.  It was a joy to hear her personal stories along with her interaction with the audience.  We hope to have her back for her next book tour!"   –Cheryl Storrs, Welcome Team Manager, Genesis Global Spiritual Center

  • "Aimée shares the gift of intuition in a safe and good-humored fashion making it accessible to all.  Aimée's sincerity and generosity come through clearly whether she is leading a workshop or giving a personal reading.  My toughest event critic came out of one of her talks with two words, 'She's good!'"    –Steve Bonnell, Events Coordinator East West Bookshop Seattle

  • I was fortunate enough to spend a Saturday listening to Aimée Cartier speak about developing intuition.  I was spellbound!  She has such an easy, low key way to get her message out.  Very personable and real.  She gave excellent examples from her life on how her intuition works, which made it seem more possible in my life.  I left her talk feeling totally inspired and capable of using and deepening my own intuition.  She also validated what I already knew intuitively.  I will use her examples and my own personal examples with my clients.  Well done!  –Kim Boyden, M.A., CHt, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Possibility Strategist and Success Trainer​

  • “Listening to Ms. Cartier speak causes one to feel as if, just by listening, we might all gain the ability to source from a higher place.  She is clear, concise, but in this world of business professionalism, Aimee was able to carry forth her message not only intelligently but personally as well.”  Antonia Greene, M.Ed., LMHC, Psychotherapist

  • "Aimee was our first speaker for the day, and she set the tone beautifully. Her grace and humor both helped underscore the message she sent to the women in the audience: They can ask for what they want, and, if they listen, they may well get it. As part of a day of 'wellness,' this message was so important. Women need to know that the universe is there to support them, and Aimee's way of showing them that truth is gentle and strong at once." -Valerie Manusov, Hestia Retreat

  • Your talk was so clearly presented and visually detailed.  Hearing your own personal stories made me feel confident that you have done this many times and are sure of the outcome.  I trusted and respected your guidance.”   –Kristin Baron, Small Business Owner

  • “Aimée has an inviting and engaged style and is very clear and concise in her instruction.  Her passion for her material caused me to ponder the main points of her talk for days afterwards. I trust the information that comes through her and experience her as a clear and authentic channel for Spirit.”  –Kim Newall Four Winds Society Shamanic initiate and practitioner

  • “Aimée speaks from such a clear and centered place.  Her voice has the ring of honesty– it was like listening to birds sing.” –Steven Shaun, Seattle gardener and poet 


  • “The fluidity, graciousness, and deep wisdom with which you lead is truly exquisite and artful.  You so obviously embody and live what you teach. Thank you!”  –Celeste Snouber, College Professor and Getting Answers Student

  • “Your love and belief in the highest good is very healing.” –Anonymous student evaluation

  • “I love how you so easily open up simple pathways to wholeness.” –Richard Comtois, Getting Answers Student 

  • “Thank you for sharing your gifts, for modeling, for your joyful self and for giving us tools to use in our own lives.” –Teresa Morani, Getting Answers Student


7 Month Class

TUESDAY, September 27th

through April 11th

Every other week via conference call

 4:00-6:00PM​ PST









Every person has a benevolent ethereal support team, also known as spirit guides whose job it is to help you get from point A to point Z in your life with ease and grace. Most people don't call on them near enough as they are available.

Some people are afraid of them. That's why, author, psychic, and Intuition University founder, Aimée Cartier, is going to teach you the simple tools and understanding you need to help you benefit from this under-used resource at your disposal.  She promises it’s not scary. She’ll teach you the specific ways she uses to connect with her guides and ensure that doing so always serves the highest good—and doesn’t leave her open to random wayward spirits.  

She’ll teach you simple ways to easily work with your ethereal support team to get practical and beneficial earth side help!  You’ll finish by understanding that you are never alone; and knowing how to access to your benevolent spirit guides who are always ready to assist.



Listen to Aimée's weekly Own Your Intuition podcast


THURSDAY, MARCH 30th, 2023


 6:30- 8PM​

Do you sense that your intuition could be a vital ally if you could just trust it more often? Or maybe you wonder how to tell the difference between intuitive knowing and fear-based knowing? 

Join Intuition University founder and psychic, Aimée Cartier in this workshop where we will explore what intuition is, get clarity on some of its confusing characteristics, and learn how to distinguish inner knowing from fear-based thoughts. 

You’ll walk away with tools to help you side-step the grip of fear-based thinking when it tries to drown out your wise inner knowing.  In her practical and down-to-earth style Aimée shares with you real life examples that will help you recognize your own wise inner knowing when it appears and inspire you to trust your own intuition. 





​Interviews with Aimée

psychic readings  +   intuition  & empath classes

for experiencing your best life  

*Psychic Guide *Author

*Intuition & empath teacher 






When you are empathic you feel other people’s emotions inside your own skin.  Talk about confusing!  In this talk Aimée Cartier teaches her basic toolkit for managing your ability so you aren’t constantly overwhelmed by other people’s business.  She discusses some of the particular essentials that these extra sensitive souls need to thrive and what she sees as the highest purpose of an empathic nature.  

Aimée teaches this workshop every 2nd Tuesday of the month at East West Bookshop. It is an introduction to the deeper work that Aimée does in her Empath Intuition University program.

