* How to understand and interpret the way your body is giving you intuitive council and messages– always pointing you toward your own best course of action 

* Intuitive time management skills including aligning with nature's cycles for optimal life satisfaction
* What your soul is pointing toward/what is of most value to it  (You will also be guided to  self-exploration on how to put this value into play in your life.)
* How to work with your benevolent ethereal support team—otherwise known as your Spirit Guides
* Methods and use of prayer and other sacred practices/offerings
* Intuitive Journaling

* How to use your intuition to get answers to any of the questions of your life

* Ideas for adding and creating your own soul satisfying sacred rituals into your life
* Techniques for working with divination tools 

​* BONUS LESSON: Audio recording of two essential empath practices

​* BONUS LESSON: Recommendations for teaching children about their intuition

​You will finish by not only knowing these techniques but by having had your own experiences that show you how they work, what they are good for, and how they can be used to continuously guide your life in the direction that is right for you.  

A year long class where you will learn tools and techniques for getting and staying connected to your own wisest knowing (at a spacious pacing), gather (on new and full moons) to practice and share with the support of an expert and in the company of other womyn claiming their own innate powerful intuition.  

Honestly, the value of this program is priceless.  You will literally be mastering tools you can use 30 years down the road.  Tools that will give you lifetime access confidence, and relationship to your own inner knowing and soul's guidance for the rest of your life. I still hear from students regularly who studied with me nearly a decade ago about how life changing these tools are and how they still use them EVERY DAY!​​

Yes! I'm in!

I am ready to own my intuition!

What are my next steps?

psychic readings  +   intuition  & empath classes

for experiencing your best life  

“This class has been more life changing than any other class I have taken! My biggest take home message is that I have everything I need within me to flourish and lead a peaceful, healthy life.  I just need to tune in and listen. I now have such a better understanding and appreciation for my own intuition.  My life now feels like there is less fear and dread about making big (or small) decisions.  I feel more confident that I can handle things that come my way.  I feel more prepared with a tool bag of options I can pull on when needed.  I also feel I am not alone in my journey and struggles.  I feel more peace knowing my guides are there for me and I know how to ask for help when I need it.  I no longer feel like I need someone else, an expert, or book to tell me what to do.”

​​Like the students who came before you, easily and gracefully over our time together, you'll begin to rely ever more steadily on your own inner knowing.  Your own experience will show you, just how much you’ve got inside of you.  I’ll be with you the whole way.

*Click the link to make your payment.  Once you have made your payment within 24-48 hours you will receive an invite to log into our Own Your Intuition online platform (Mighty Networks).

* Look over your welcome packet and fill out the intake form.  (This is a form in which you will answer some questions to note for yourself and me where you are at in your relationship with your intuition and helps both of us identify whether or not you have met your goals when we get close to the end of the program.) 

* Once you have filled that out you will have access to the first lesson.  Just before the New Moon, you will be granted access by a member of Aimée's team to the Ancient and Holy Moons Group (as the moon gatherings are called collectively) and be given the details for joining us during the next New Moon Deep Dive.

Still have questions?

I also make time for those who have burning questions about the program that have not been answered by this page.  So if you have questions that you need answered before you can commit, simply contact Aimée through her website and someone on her team will be in touch about scheduling a free 15 minute exploratory call with Aimée.

The goal of my Own Your Intuition program  is for you to get ALL the skills you need to use this vital resource you have: your own intuition.  More than any other sense you have, your intuition is designed to lead you to your own flourishing.  That's what I want for you!

Program Tuition

 By learning and practicing the more than a dozen tools I teach you, by getting feedback and support as you do, you'll lock in this knowledge, forever.  More than that you’ll have a road map for using and trusting your own highest wisdom for as long as you breathe.  You'll use these tools to move through your life, decade, after decade, as you evolve and situations, needs, desires, and inspirations shift and change.  

​​​I’ll be your guide to the magic inside of you.  Trust me, it’s already there.  You’ll learn in community with other women (or non bionary) who are ready to get the tools they need to be empowered by their own inner knowing and to use it to do what they are here to do too!  We’ll stay connected afterward.  We’re building a movement, not a moment.  We are learning to move like this as a way of life—one that brings about the best in each of us.    

Best Value

* What intuition is 

* What intuition looks and feel like when it is working for you
* How to tell the difference between when it is your inner knowing is speaking to you– or just your mind or fear-based thinking 

* To bust through the myths that hold you back from listening to your inner knowing
* Vital practices for keeping your intuition sharp

My students have used their intuition and the practices I teach for these things: 

To get the most out of this program you will need:

Tell me, are you ready

to know and feel...

"You spoke to my women’s group on a Thursday.  The following Tuesday I was leaving my house for a hair appointment.  I was already late and a bit frantic with it.  As I grabbed my keys and purse heading out the door I kept thinking, “I’ve got to go! I’ve got to go!”  

​​I got in my car and as I was driving down the road I heard the car make a funny sound.  It wasn’t an alarming noise—more like a rhythmic squeak every once in a while. 

​Still, I realized as I heard it again that I didn’t have a good feeling about it.  The knowing came just like you said it would—calm and peaceful.  It wasn’t frantic or scaring me— it wasn’t saying— ‘Watch out! Something terrible is going to happen!’  What I felt was a very calm knowing of, ‘This isn’t good. It’s time to turn around and switch cars.  It will be fine.’ Ordinarily I wouldn’t have followed this advice.  I would have just overrode it.  

Georgia B.

Yes! I'm in!

I'm ready to OWN MY INTUITION 

What are my next steps?

* Discovering life dreams and passions
* Navigating and solving parenting challenges (i.e. caring for their children in the best way possible)
* Discerning and moving through personal health crisis, like cancer diagnosis and treatments
* Enhancing family relationships (even the tricky ones!)
* Easing difficult situations at work
* Increasing their income
* Gracefully navigating divorce

* Finding love
* Gracefully navigating a move across the country and job transition
* Finding a new and more satisfying career
* Discovering and acting on their own joy thereby increasing their life satisfaction

​Those are just a few examples!

​​​​That, my friends is your intuition at work.   

With the right tools for tuning into yours, your intuition allows you to navigate your life with grace and ease.  That's its job!


  • To listen to the private podcast and/or read the class document   I intentionally created spaciousness into this program so that (even while having touch points every couple of weeks) you are able to listen and/or read about our monthly practice on your own time.  Ideally you will do this prior to the Office Hours or Full Moon Gathering of each month so that you will have time to practice, articulate your experiences, and ask questions. 

  • Notice/practice: Your own practice and experience is what will help you understand and dial your own intuition.  Like anything, the more you practice your tools the better you get!  Through the homework section of each class document (and podcast) Aimée guides you to the practices that you will dialing each month.  And before too long these intuitive practices will become second nature for you.  Most of the homework you have will be tools you use as you are living your life, not necessarily practices you have to carve a lot of extra time out for.
  • ​​Document and celebrate victories: In addition to our full moon sharing, you'll have any time access to give a shout out to Aimée or your fellow students via our Mighty Networks chat.

  • Articulate: by sharing your experiences with your fellow students during our phone calls and your partner/triad calls (if your class entails that).  This not only helps you lock in your own experiences but of course also benefits the group as we learn from each other. ​​​​

  • Have access to the book  "Getting Answers: Using Your Intuition to Discover Your Best Life"

Tell me if this sounds like you:

Renée B.

15 Private podcast teaching episodes that you can listen to and digest at your leisure (for those of you who prefer to listen instead of read)

Over 150 pages of Exclusive Own Your Intuition training documents detailing the practices with stories of real-time application, and homework to practice for mastery (each lesson comes with it's own document and is between 7-40 pages)

3 Guided audio recordings of core practices

Access to 39 monthly moon gatherings (3 per moon cycle for 13 cycles in total): New Moon Deep Dive, Full Moon Share/Gather, and Office Hours).  (Audio and video recordings of these are available during the current moon and are deleted and refreshed each cycle.)

​Anytime community and dialogue via our Mighty Networks chat

2 BONUSES: audio recording of 2 essential empath tools, and a document on guiding children to their intuition

For added tuition you may also choose to add two private sessions with Aimée (1 one hour, 1 30 minute) in which we will look at the specifics of how YOUR intuition works (each person is a bit different).  This will include private and specific homework for you and Aimée will highlight which lessons will be particularly important for you.

Course Structure and Specifics

To put it frankly, it sucks to doubt yourself.  It sucks to feel like you are not sure which way to go or are uncertain of how to make clear decisions that you feel will serve you and yours.  On top of that the world has been telling you for years to ignore your inner knowing.  It's been telling you that you have to have a reason to trust the wisdom inside of you.  That's just not true.  I’ve been a professional psychic for nearing 20 years.  I’ve been using my inner knowing through every circumstance of my life for much longer than that.  For years I've been teaching women like you to access their own wisdom.  

​You've got a superb navigation system already inside of you, even if you feel it's currently rusty, or you're not sure exactly how to access it when you want to, and even if the world has implied otherwise.  I’ll teach you everything you need to know to harness, use, and ultimately trust (through your own experience) your own inner knowing. 

Intuition is your soul’s compass. You want to know how to work this compass!  It’s the sense that you have that leads you away from mistakes and toward the life and experience your soul intends.  Whether you just dream of having clarity and confidence in the choices that will make your life better for you and yours right now, or you know you are here to help the world navigate this pivotal time in some way.  Intuition is the ace in your pocket… only guess what—it’s INSIDE of you

"Just this week my intuition led me to an unconventional action that had a positive impact for me at work.  It not only saved the company from losing a large amount of money, it also garnered a happy new client!  The thing is it’s the tools that you taught me, and the experience I’ve gained as a result of your courses that allow me to deeply trust myself and my intuition.  It’s actually helped me in EVERY AREA of my life —from parenting my teenage daughter, to moving through a personal health crisis, to ALL my relationships, and my day-to-day life.  I could give you so many examples! Thank you!”

I feel like I’ve been re-given access to something ancient and human– something that we have forgotten.  This class gave me the use of tools I didn’t know I had.  I learned that I really can and should trust myself and my intuition.  It’s like learning really old stuff—how to be a more complete human, tapping into those skills we were born with.

Your Own Your Intuition program is for one year: 13 moon cycles.

Each moon cycle we explore together a different set of tools whose mastery and application will have you moving from doubt to confidence in your own ability to use your intuition as the soul guiding force it is meant to be.  Each moon we will focus on practices that will enable you to establish a strong relationship with your own highest knowing.  You'll have homework to practice at your leisure during the month, so you'll learn through your own experience!  By practicing the tools and gathering with your fellow students to articulate the changes you are noticing, ask questions, and listen to the experiences of others you lock your understanding in even deeper.  

In addition to the course materials...

Each New Moon we will gather for our New Moon Deep Dive.  This is a guided time (for current students and program alumni) for practicing your tools, and for hearing the wisdom of your own soul.  We gather for two hours every evening of the new moon, starting at 5:15PM to 7:30PM, Pacific Standard Time.

On the full moon, current students will meet for Zoom "Office Hours" from 10-11AM PST.  During this time Aimée will speak briefly about the set of tools being explored in this moon cycle and this will be your time to share your own stories of how they are working for you and ask any questions that have arisen on the monthly topic. 

Each full moon you may also meet for our Share/Gather/Ask Full Moon time mid-day meet up.  This is from 12-2PM PST on the full moon and is for current students and alumni alike.  This is a more casual get together where with a few prompts from Aimée the conversation flows about how our intuition has guided us this moon cycle and Aimée answers any questions you have.

​With regular practice, support, and attention on your intuitive tools over this spacious 13 moon (1 year) journey together, there is enough time for you to practice, gain experience, and make these tools second nature for you—that way they will be at your beck and call as long as you breathe.

"This class helped me trust myself! It’s what I’ve been lacking my entire life.  It’s been a huge transformation for me.  I set out to have a greater understanding of my intuitive abilities, and I do, but the trusting myself is the REALLY BIG thing that happened by taking this course.

My work with you showed me that I don't have to hide my intuitive abilities, something I had done most of my life, but that I can trust them.  And then continuing on with you as we explore our Ancient Selves through our New and Full Moon Gatherings, I feel renewal and appreciation for those abilities and the importance of honoring them and their influence on my accomplishing my purpose(s) in my lifetime.
Blessing to you for guiding me!"

To accommodate a variety of lifestyles and incomes I offer a limited number of partial scholarships based on need and income level.  (In the spirit of repairation, these are especially, but not exclusively, available to traditionally marginalized communities.). If want to join the Own Your Intuition program and it is cost prohibitive you may apply for a partial scholarship.  Please shoot my team an email (by using the contact page) detailing your request, and fill out and send in your scholarship application.

A. Trust and confidence in yourself and your ability to navigate your life, using the compass of your soul, no matter what comes.

B.  The understanding that you are not alone.  You are never alone.  You have and can call on a whole cadre of benevolent ethereal helpers who are ready to help you.  You'll begin to understand and feel through your own experience that you are in conversation with the Universe—that it is responding to you, and guiding you, through your intuition toward the absolute best that is possible for you—ALL THE TIME.

Beth T.

Mari M.

* ​I feel as though I need solutions in my life but I am not sure how to get clear

on which ones are best for me.

* Even though I do have intuitive impulses I have a hard time trusting them.

 * I often doubt my decision-making—especially when I am moving toward something that I know intuitively for which I may not have any outside proof.​

 * I sometimes feel alone and confused when I need to make decisions for myself or my family—and not totally sure which way to turn. 

* My intuition feels like a spotty, random thing– not a source of power and strength.  

* I feel as though I have an innate power and intuitive skill set that I don’t quite understand.  I want to know how to access it.  I’d like experience that shows me I can trust it and how to use it. 

* Sometimes I feel like I’m not really sure of myself, who I am, or where I am going but I’d like to access my own innate internal knowing in order to help me align with my best life– I want tools that will work both now and for years to come.

I teach intuition because it is PRACTICAL!  For EVERYBODY!  Again and again, throughout the circumstances and changes of your life, it is your intuition that leads you precisely where you need to go.  It gives you the information you need that couldn’t be garnered by intellect or reason alone. It leads you to short cuts, open roads, practical solutions, and opportunities to flourish. 

Janna. I.

“Aimée, I have to tell you a story of how my intuition saved my life."

​​It’s time to move from feeling full of doubt and having a lack of understanding of your own innate power and wisdom to feeling confident and connected to your own internal power and wisest council.  By acquiring the tools you need to Own Your Intuition– you will have the skills you need to shape your life into one that is full meaningful experiences, deeply satisfying, and perfect for YOU! 

It’s time to Own Your Intuition!

*Psychic Guide *Author

*Intuition & empath teacher 

Then, join us!

You don’t need special crystals, or oils, or a gadget of any kind.  To OWN YOUR INTUITION you need a dozen or so practices that help you manage, hone and tune in to your wisest knowing on a regular and reliable basis in any situation. 

That’s what I teach.

What you will learn

Best Value +

​Private Sessions

“I’ve never successfully taken any multi-month class in my adult life—so I did wonder if I would be able to engage with the material and format.  The course far exceeded my expectations.  It’s all been excellent, and as I had hoped it’s all been a very positive focus just at the time I needed it.  I take away so many skills that I look forward to continuing to refine.  I can’t thank you enough– it’s made such a difference in my life. I can't say how much better all these things you've taught me make my life! Thank you for all that you offer, the space that you hold, and the magic that you share.” 

Good Karma Guarantee


Especially because the last time I saw my hair stylist she was telling me about someone who was always late, and how she didn’t   feel they respected her time.  I didn’t want to be that person!  But I remembered what you said—“Your intuition speaks to you in a calm or neutral voice, even when what it is telling you is important or steering you away from  danger.”  I knew I was experiencing that calm knowing and because of what you said I listened. 

I turned around, drove home, and switched cars.  Later that day my husband took the car out to see what was wrong.  Apparently someone had tried to steal one of my tires—only they had abandoned the job.  The wheel was almost entirely unscrewed.  I had been just about to get on the freeway!  I could have died!  Or I could have harmed someone else in an accident.  Or at a minimum I would have been on the side of the road and completely missed my appointment.  As it was I arrived at my hair stylist’, healthy and sound, just as her previous client was leaving—she didn’t even notice!”

I put a lot into my programs.  I am committed to serving others so that they can access their own innate knowing.  I only take students who are really committed to amplifying their own inner knowing, understand the ginormous benefits of doing so, and who can comfortably commit financially to my program.  I endeavor to create programs that are a win win for all. :) 

I ask that you trust your own gut.  If you feel like this is your program, we see that it can serve you, and you are excited to work with me that's wonderful– let's go!

I offer a 30 day trial.  You are free to cancel your recurring payments during the first 30 days if for any reason you don't feel the program is the right fit for you.  You will only be charged for the first month in which you had access to the program.  If you have paid in full, you will be refunded tuition minus the one month sum of $160.  If you have included two private sessions with Aimée and you have already done one of those you will not be refunded the $300.  After the 30 days is up, no refunds or program cancelations are offered for the duration of your one year commitment.