psychic readings  +   intuition  & empath classes

for experiencing your best life  

*Psychic Guide *Author

*Intuition & empath teacher 

"You are so accurate! I've gotten readings from others before too but other readers often tend to skip over the practical aspects. If I want to know what is likely to happen and what is the best thing to do right now in order to get the outcomes I want, I come to you.  I know that your reading will have that focus.  Mission accomplished. :)"

-Mary S, Minnesota

"I have benefitted immensely from working with Aimée. Each time we meet, all my questions get answered and I leave with the confidence to move forward.  Her answers to my questions are clear, relevant and always make so much sense.  I now consider Aimée my go-to resource whenever I am unsure about a next step or the best way to move forward in my life."
- Barrie R, Montreal

Psychic Readings with Aimée

Aimée provides psychic guidance for people who are unsure about the next steps they need to take to live their best lives.  Through 30, 45, or 60 minute sessions she gets them the clarity and insight they need to make choices that will bring them the most joy, align them with their soul's interests, and serve their own highest good.

How it works

You want to get the most out of your life!  You want to make the choices that will enable you to thrive, be authentic to you, and experience the most goodness in your days!

Aimée specializes in getting her clients the answers that will help them do so!   She sets her own psychic senses to only receive information that is in her clients's good to know.  

She is known for her clear, direct, and accurate insight, as well as her compassionate and practical guidance.

Still not sure?

Ask yourself these questions:

Would I benefit from guidance or clarity right now?

Could I use some help from Highest Source?

Do I have a good feeling about Aimée and her work?

If you answered yes to these questions then we are a go!

Schedule my appointment

 Providing clarity, insight, and ease through access to higher wisdom 

“I’ve been having sessions with Aimee for over 10 years now.  Her readings are profoundly accurate and insightful.  The guidance she offers is direct, clear, and compassionate.  Having a session with Aimee supports growth, change, and transformation.  I love referring my family and friends to her for readings and classes.   I highly recommend scheduling a reading with Aimée.”
-Andrea S, Washington

Although Aimée sometimes uses oracle cards as a tuning device, most of her information comes through her psychic senses. She might see things, hear things, feel things, or just simply know things about the situation.  With the help of her guides, the benevolent unseen beings that help her get answers and do her work, Aimée is able to discern the actions and choices that help her clients experience the best that life can offer them. 

Aimée likes to say, "My peeps talk to your peeps." A reading with her is a chance to get information from the benevolent beings (your ethereal guides) that are helping to guide you.

Frequently, her readings also help her clients see the big picture of what is happening in their lives, so that they don't feel so bogged down by the details.​​  Her clients often report a feeling of ease in their choices, burdens, and experiences after a reading with her.  They also  express a sense of joy, a feeling of being seen and understood, and a connection with their own divine wisdom after a session with her.

Do you….

  • Do you have something bothering you and need clarity?​​
  • ​Do you have a big decision to make and are having trouble knowing what is best?
  • ​Are you wondering what do do about your career?
  • Are you trying to heal, understand, or navigate a relationship issue?
  • Are you having a hard time deciding where to live or where to go to school?
  • ​Do you have something that has been bothering you for some time and feel ready to understand it better or put it to rest?
  • Are you feeling major or minor changes underway and want to know the best way to navigate for positive results?
  • Are you ready to understand what steps will best serve you and your life?
  • Do you feel ready to align with your highest good and make the choices that will allow you to live your best life?

​These are just some of the things Aimée's clients ask her about.

YES! I'd like to schedule a 30, 45, or 60 minute reading now!