Resources for Empaths

Sheesh, it can be hard and confusing to be empathic. Especially before you know how to manage and control your gift. Even if you can't take my Empath Intuition University Course, I don't want to leave you in the lurch.

Below you'll find a list of articles, podcast interview links, and even a video that can be especially helpful for learning to understand your sensitive empathic nature.  You can never turn it off, because very simply– it's how you are built, but you can learn practices and techniques that will help you be in control of your gift.  This translates into  much less overwhelm and much less being pushed around by and soaking up of everyone else's feelings.  Ultimately, and happily, that also means that you are much more in touch with YOU! (A fabulous place to be!) 

If you haven't already, sign up to receive the freebies below in your inbox. (Just click on the image!)

Photo Credits

Eye: Nithi Anand

Midnight blue bush: SomewhereInLIfe

Sweet peas: Roger Reuver

Tree: seyed mostafa zaman

Candle: letavua

​Meditation: Bradley Hook

Water ripples: jeuxsansfrontieres

Multi-colored: Arlo Bates

If you are ready for a more thorough, all-inclusive, and positively life transforming training on managing your empathic ability you can choose from either my Empath Intuition University (offered once per year), or my Private Intuition University program.  

Also, make sure you are on my mailing list (and check the last box "Empath Offerings.") Then, every time I publish an article related to empaths it will come right to your inbox, no searching necessary. :) 

In the mean time, here are a few resources and articles that are likely to help you on your journey.

All my love,


psychic readings  +   intuition  & empath classes

for experiencing your best life  

*Psychic Guide *Author

*Intuition & empath teacher